Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I Must be Making Progress. . . the Gossips and Slanderers are Out and About!

One of my pastimes in my spare moments is to contribute discussion comments to a Facebook group on local current events.  I've also been made an administrator of the group due to my reasonable nature and willingness to thoughtfully contribute. 

Not everyone out there reading my comments on the 'Net cares for what I say, of course.  Not everyone agrees with everybody else. . . me included.  Some times it's hard to find out what position to take.  Many times it's best to take a position of "I don't know for sure without a lot more research" which is more true of the situation than most.  Cool heads prevail, hot heads just get steamed. 

There's a culture amongst some here in the United States of making partisan politics *THE* only thing that is worth discussing, and having your candidates and/or your party and/or your ballot issues win. . . or else.  It literally is a blood sport with these people, to the point of becoming an actual religion in my humble opinion.  When it goes that far, I'd call that making a false idol of politics and political speech, forgetting the Lord and his rightful position in one's life. 

Anyways, with the help of our small group of administrators/moderators, we found - in the normal course of comments made yesterday - one such person.  And they have it in for me personally in the world's worst way for reasons I don't even begin to understand. . . so sad.  I've never even met the person as far as I know.  Why make such drama on Facebook?  I dunno.  The person's arrogance and insistence that they were right, and everyone else opposing them was wrong, combined with some extremely bad advice concerning the primary election just concluded, gave all of us pause.  I put two and two together and realized that this person commenting must be a sockpuppet. . . someone having the cowardice to wear a mask on Facebook and say they were a non real name person.  We checked, and it was agreed this person was a fake person. . . not allowed under the group's rules, by the way. . . and POOF!  They were gone.  They'll no doubt try to get back in under yet another nom de plume sockpuppet personality. . . but their way of speaking, their vocabulary, their passions, and their arrogance always identify them once again.  Go ahead. . . make my day!

Anyways, in the course of the day, I was notified that this person was gossiping and libeling me in some other forum somewhere.  So what?  What is that to me?  I love many of the quotes of Sir Winston Churchill, a leader who took his responsibilities in leading Great Britain in World War II seriously.  One of them is this apt statement: "You have enemies?  Good.  That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." 

Indeed I have.  I have enemies.  Jesus had enemies, too.  The Pharisees, for one, were constantly trying to trip him up and get him killed.  Serious business, being in that position he was in.  As His follower and disciple, I am told I will get the same treatment Jesus got.  Goes with the territory. 

Here's some applicable Bible verses on gossip and slander - and wise speech - I've found. 

  • My enemies speak evil against me.  "When will he die, and his name perish?"  And when he comes to see me, he speaks falsehood; His heart gathers wickedness to itself; When he goes outside, he tells it.  All who hate me whisper together against me; Against me they devise my hurt, saying, "A wicked thing is poured out upon him.  That when he lies down, he will not rise up again."  Psalm 41:5-8
  • When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable.  But he who restrains his lips is wise.  Proverbs 10: 19
  • A fool's lips bring strife.  And his mouth calls for blows.  A fool's mouth is his ruin, and his lips are the snare of the soul.  Proverbs 18:6-7
  • He who guards his mouth and his tongue, Guards his soul from troubles.  Proverbs 21:23
  • A fool always loses his temper, But a wise man holds it back.  Proverbs 29:11
  • But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment.  "For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned."  Jesus in Matthew 12:36-37
  • At the same time they learn to be idle, as they go around from house to house: and not merely idle, but also gossips and busybodies, talking about things not proper to mention.  1 Timothy 5:13
  • Argue your case with your neighbor, And do not reveal the secret of another, or he who hears it will reproach you, And the evil report about you will not pass away.  Proverbs 25:9-10
  • For the lack of wood a fire goes out, And where there is no whisperer, contention dies down.  Proverbs 26:20
  • You shall not bear a false report; do not join your hand with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.  Exodus 23:1
  • Whoever secretly slanders his neighbor, him I will destroy; No one who has a haughty look and an arrogant heart will I endure.  Psalms 101:5
  • He who conceals hatred has lying lips, And he who spreads slander is a fool.  Proverbs 10:18
  • . . . being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents. . . Romans 1:29-30
  • Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.  Psalms 141:3
  • He who goes about as a slanderer reveals secrets,  Therefore do not associate with a gossip.  Proverbs 20:19

***                    ***                    ***

Do not associate with a gossip.  Great advice from God's word today!  And for those gossipers, slanderers (verbal malice), and libelers (printed malice). . . I'll be doing everything I can in the spare moments I may have to either help you to see the error of your ways. . . or be gone from a particular Facebook group.  Don't have time for foolish strife. . . there's better things to be doing for God's Kingdom, and I'll be about them versus such small minded things like backbiting and gossip. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Announcing a New Weblog. . . and a Redirection

As you've seen by now, the last two months have been spent on the topic of retirement, and where to live in that retirement at the overseas location of Ecuador, specifically Cuenca.  Whole blogs have been devoted to the subject by US expats (from which I've learned quite a bit from, thank you), and I have come to the realization it's time to spin off that whole process from my main narrative journaling here and let it have its own dedicated spot on the 'Net.  So I created a place for writings on that very subject here:

Meanwhile, it's important for me to keep on with regular life and reflections centered on my Christian faith. . . what I am learning, and where I am struggling and making progress in life.  So a redirection is in order for this blog.  Consider it done.  Cuenca and associated goings on with the move may well be mentioned here, but not as the centerpiece of what I will be writing about.  There's still much more to write about, and not near as much time as I'd like to have to write about it. 

So here we go, once again. . . down that Pilgrim road, going the Pilgrim way. . . holding the hand of the Master, and enjoying His presence and His smile as we journey together forward to His wonderful land.  Please come join us as we do so! 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Marcos Brunet - Al que está sentado en el trono (To Him who sits on the throne)

Even if you don't know any Spanish, this worship song which was sung at Iglesia Verbo Cristiana in Cuenca is one that readily lifts up the name and power of Jesus Christ. 

Several contemporary worship songs were sung in the worship services at Iglesia Verbo - some translations of English language praise and worship songs, many not - but this one has stuck in my head for some reason.  Perhaps the quality of the artistic musical score and the heartening words from the Book of Revelation are part of that. 

Anyways, it's here for you to listen to and view.  Enjoy!

Translation into English

Song Title: To Him who Sits on the Throne

I want to know
Everyday more of you
Being in your presence and worship
Reveal your Glory
We want to go much more in You
We want your Presence. . . Jesus


To Him who sits on the throne
That lives forever and ever
Is the Glory
Is the Honor and Power
Is the Glory
Is the Honor and Power

To Him who sits on the throne
That lives forever and ever
Is the Glory
Is the Honor and Power
Is the Glory
Is the Honor and Power

*     *     *

(Some) thanks to Google Translate for the translation. . . with assist from my common sense.  Language is a funny thing sometimes, and you have to have a sense of what the original author in the original language is trying to get across, rather than being too literal with the wording.  Thank God I'm not doing Hebrew or Greek translations of the Bible just yet!  (smile)

Friday, May 23, 2014

Cuenca and its US Expats on an ABC News Segment (2013)

Now that we're back home in California once again, I can once again use a desktop computer to much more efficiently make posts and edit them, too!  Hard to do that kind of thing on a smaller laptop like the one we have. 

Here's a video put out by ABC News on Cuenca and US expats.  The information you see is true, though the two minutes clip hardly gives any depth to what we have found out and experienced.  For more depth, please read the story text below the video.  The story is well written, factual, and a very good piece that represents what Cuenca and Ecuador is to the American expat or potential expat. 

Please pay attention, too, to the remarks in the comments section of that story by Edd Staton.  He's giving the accurate take in his comments. . . and his interview in the video is also on the mark.  No, we haven't met as yet, but I find his perspective very useful, especially on integrating and making friends with the native Cuencanos versus learning no Spanish, living in the expat "bubble," and trying to make Cuenca into another version of the United States. 

Hat tip to GoGoGringo for the sourcing of this video.  Much good information on Cuenca and Ecuador via their site as well.  Here's the link I first saw, and the very in depth discussion of a lot more issues of international cooperation than first meets the eye:

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Some Observations on the Ecuadorian People

Partly because one of Grace Chapel's missionaries - Stateside for the moment - asked me to, and partly for my - and your benefit, here's a rundown on what I've observed about the Ecuadorian people.

Mexicans are well known for their machismo - macho ways - and have an intense amount of pride.  Ecuadorians too have their pride. . . they just don't make as big a show of it.  My friend Oscar put it this way: "The Ecuadorians usually say that they're pretty good.  They're respectful and humble, and don't say crazy things like 'oh, that was fantastic!' like people in the United States might say.  They're content with 'pretty good.'"  

Ecuadorians are generally honest to a fault. . . we've witnessed that enough to know and appreciate that quality.  That said, behind your back, if they can get away with it, they will steal from you. . . petty theft.  We lost a large thick tan bath towel from the clothesline - a feature of life seen all through Ecuador - at the Hotel Pichincha that way.  I told Carolyn Anne it's a lesson learned. . . better lose a bath towel than some electronic gear we have, like our laptop or camera.  By the way, the new camera we got from Fry's Electronics in Burbank is all set up and working well.  We're taking photos now, and hope to load them into the blog when we get home to California. 

94 per cent of the people are (nominally) Roman Catholic.  When I discuss with a chofer in my taxi or a stroller in Parque Calderon what church they attend, they often shrug it off with "I have God in my heart."  My Spanish is not yet that practiced to discuss further this kind of sensitive and very important issue.  I'll have to get better at it in the very near future.  However, I can give from memory John 14:6 - translated into Spanish, of course!  Here in the El Centro district of Cuenca, there's literally a Roman Catholic Church on every block or two.  We hear the bells ring in the morning at 5:40, 6:00, 6:45, and 7:30 for their prayer times.  Every morning without fail.  Attendance is not great, but they are faithful in the bell ringing sin embargo. . .  nevertheless.

Time is not a big thing with the Ecuadorians.  They are generally on time for meetings and business matters, but when it comes to almuerzo - lunch - all bets are off.  No signs to let you know of closed business generally, and when an employee wants to take a popsicle break, you just have to have patience and wait for them to be done with their break.  This happened with the autobus compania - bus company - representative at Terminal Terrestial - the bus terminal yesterday.  We waited about 20 minutes while she had her break, then got our questions answered.  The Manana syndrome is alive and well in Latin America.  

Latin Americans can be a noisy bunch, and Ecuadorians are no exception.  We're finishing up our longest stay at one address in the very nice custom vacation studio loft condo, and moving on to the very heart of El Centro and Parque Calderon by moving to the Hotel Milan later on today after worship services at Iglesia Verbo.  Here on Calle Honorato Vasquez in the heart of the Antigua district of El Centro, there's restaurants and some bars aplenty just on our street alone, with much more surrounding us.  We often get the sound of either a car alarm or a burglar alarm - same sounds you hear in the USA - going off in the middle of the night.  You can hear the rowdier kind of crowds here at the condo in the street, and the noise continues 'til about 2:00 AM, when the bars thankfully close.  We had someone throw either a bottle or a rock at the entrance door, which is framed in a soothing varnished wood with a one way see through glass which is opaque to outsiders with wrought iron bars to reinforce the glass, and part of it was broken the previous night, about 2:00 AM according to one of us staying here at the condos.  First time we ever witnessed that sort of thing, but not totally unexpected, based on what we already knew of Latin American culture while living in California.     

Ecuadorians don't typically challenge the status quo.  If they have something to say socially, politically, or spiritually, they will graffiti the side of a building to express themselves.  On the side of the New Cathedral by Parque Calderon, atheists scrawled in black paint, "Dios no existen" - God does not exist.  No one covers it up or does graffiti abatement here in Ecuador. . . really different than in the States.  Their real feelings are thus said anonymously. . . without fear of retribution.  Newspapers here don't have writer's bylines except for editorials, which are signed. . . the exact opposite of US practice.  That said, when you as a North American challenge an Ecuadorian on a matter of contention, they back off, say nothing, and offer no defense or resistance to you. . . you have the upper hand. . . but don't rub it in.  I was talking to a pastor at Iglesia Verbo about the dirty little secret that is the orphan crisis in Ecuador, and he visibly cringed at my remark.  We will by the way be visiting one of Verbo's orphanages Tuesday afternoon to see for ourselves these forgotten, forlorn children who evidently need much time with loving adults for camaraderie, affection, and guidance.  Stay tuned for more on this in a future post.  

Carolyn Anne has been complimented by the owners of our favorite Mexican restaurant across the street, Mexico Lindo Querido, as "everybody's mother."  What a compliment on today, Mother's Day!  Her love for their children is evident, and the second youngest, Juliana Violeta, just age 2, will come to our table while we are waiting for the food and play games and visit us.  ?Preciosa, no?  (wide grin) 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Visit to an Orphanage

Last Tuesday Carolyn Anne and I had the honor and privilege of visiting Iglesia Verbo Cristiana's orphanage, which is located in the western part of Cuenca outside of El Centro.  A short 15 minute drive by our chauffer and guide, Johnathan, who is a bilingual missionary kid raised in Iglesia Verbo - his parents are longstanding and integral members who have seen and participated in much of Verbo's growth - brought us to a large suburban looking casa, or house on a gently sloping corner of the hilly, curvy street barrio, or neighborhood.

Johnathan opened the gate to the wide and long driveway to the rented house - Verbo does not have the funds to own it - and we walked up the driveway part of the way together and turned right into the porch and the entrance.  Right away we saw young children playing, inside the house and out of it, running, playing, talking and giving a warm "!Hola!" and a hug to Johnathan and in due time giving us their greeting as well.  The house is furnished with tables and chairs and paintings and spiritual/organizational messages on its medium brown painted walls, but would look Spartan if in the US.  The mission/vision of the orphanage is there for all to see, and the many names of Jesus in Scripture adorns another wall near the front door.  You can tell that the brown colored parquet wood flooring has had some use, but not overly worn. . . same with the couch, leather easy chairs/recliners, and the dining room table.  Sitting chairs are all plastic stackable nonfoldable type, similar to what Verbo uses on its church campus in Cuenca.  

The bedrooms, Johnathan explains, are off limits to guests and even its regular volunteers and workers not given clearance to enter these rooms. . . personal space and respect for persons, and not regarded as common space.  A worker is allowed upstairs to the bedrooms to monitor and provide appropriate oversight and housekeeping to children in the rooms, but it's limited to the one worker on duty per shift so authorized.  Five bedrooms in all, and 16 orphans living onsite currently, with room for two more.  One 17 year old girl gets her own bedroom - appropriately so given her age and impending adult status - but the others share rooms, using bunk beds.  That means four to a room on average. . . not like the States would do in a normal family situation. 

Johnathan, who has spent several years in California and in the States getting his Bachelor's and Master's degree from Azusa Pacific University in the Greater Los Angeles area, explains their orphans typically come from families that suffer from alcohol and drug abuse, parents in jail, and other family unit challenges such as domestic violence.  Their stay here is therefore indeterminate, and changes in the home's population happen more rapidly than in a loving two parent family. . . children entering and leaving residency quite a bit.  This adds to a sense of insecurity, and the need for constancy and boundaries and limits that are firm, fair, and most of all loving.  The constancy and love aspects Carolyn Anne can easily provide. . . God has gifted her with them.  Johnathan was glad to see this demonstrated during our visit with several hugs and associated chit chat. . . yes, she is picking up on her conversational Spanish, even as she still uses English when she needs a way to express herself.  

The children are in school each school day, but not all at the same school, in order to help the orphans not become a clique and foster unhealthy coping and living skills amongst the school populations. It's also a way to hopefully get them out of reminders of their living situation and focus on achieving at school academically as well as socially and spiritually.  The orphans come to Verbo once a week on Sunday and participate in children's Sunday School, getting to know God and others better.  

According to Johnathan, this Verbo run orphanage is the very best running one in all of Cuenca, according to the Ecuadorian government.  Some years ago, the Ecuadorian government out of Quito, the national capital, was searching for help in getting orphans into good orphanages.  Verbo's name came up, talks were held between the Elders of Verbo and the government, and a great deal of extra cash was given and spent. . . necessitating a second orphanage, which swelled the population of both to over 50 orphans in all.  But like all governments, the money came with a catch: they got control and made the tactical decisions on running the orphanages.  This degraded the quality of care, and Verbo's Elder Board eventually stood up to Quito and said, "!No mas!" to government's entangling control.  Post government - and post orphan ministry financial bankruptcy caused by the government - the orphanage is running well, with several volunteers serving regularly.  Some we've met already, like Felix, and others we'll meet in due time upon return.  

Our hour or so spent, we left the house and outbuildings to return to Johnathan's newer pickup truck, lent to him by his dad.  Before we did, we met up with a young boy named Paul.  At first I thought his name was Raul, but no. . . he carefully spelled out his name in Spanish to me three times until I got the "P" in his name.  Pronounced very differently from English, of course, and not Pablo - he told me that too.  Greetings and name exchanges completed with Carolyn Anne and I, we then witnessed a very heartfelt exchange between Johnathan and young Paul.  Hugs. . . and out the gate we went.  No photos taken here due to the need for privacy and respect. . . an executive decision I made while there.  

Johnathan related that he knew very well a lot of the people in Verbo we have met already: Erica the translator, Felix the volunteer, Pastor Roberto (the dad of Pastor Rob Capaldi we've already met), and others.  A lot of them have been longtime friends and formative to him, to the point that he feels more at home here in Cuenca than in the States where he was born.  He's getting married through Verbo to a young lady he met there, and as his marriage is just days away, he related once he dropped us off in El Centro he was driving to Guayaquil to pick up his brother at the airport, returning later that evening.  Great guy and may God bless him and his new bride as they engage in marriage. . . God's way, of course.   

Blogger's note: we had quite the fireworks display and noise - we heard the noise, mostly - here at Hotel Milan in the center of El Centro once the evening commenced Thursday.  The policia here now frown on that due to possibly Gringo complaints and issue tickets to perpetrators.  Held about a block away from us at or near the flower market at the church at the corner of Simon Bolivar and Padre Aguirre a block away from Parque Calderon, it lasted about an hour.  And you thought Independence Day in the United States had loud fireworks. . . Trust me, these take the cake!  We thought a bomb had gone off or something.  Nope. . . we're safe here at Hotel Milan.  Winding down our affairs here and on track for a bus trip Monday to Quito, then rest and flying out of Quito for home on the United redeye flight Tuesday/Wednesday, then to LAX via Houston/IAH and Chicago/ORD . . . and home.  Not before we go to a free opera tonight here in Cuenca first!  So many arts and cultural offerings here, and most for free.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Things we miss while in Cuenca and Ecuador

A lot is written by fellow bloggers on what they miss from the United States once living on a permanent basis in Cuenca, and Ecuador for that matter.  Yes, Cuenca may be a retirement paradise on Earth, but it's not Paradise. . . Eden was the one and only paradise Earth ever had.  God said so in Genesis!  Cuenca is not "perfect" from a North American perspective, contrary to all the discussions on the 'Net and media reports out there on Cuenca being some kind of retirement nirvana.  Here's a listing of all the ways one gets less than desired in Cuenca.  As our beloved Pastor Pat Tanner of Grace Chapel in Lancaster has put it, you can "suffer for Jesus" in Cuenca.  Here goes. . .

It's *noisy* in Ecuador, and Cuenca, though with less population than Guayaquil, Ecuador's port city (think New York) and Quito (think Los Angeles) is nonetheless full of noise.  we're at perhaps our noisiest location this trip at the Hotel Milan, which has on its street not one but *two* city bus routes stopping for hordes of passengers at the sidewalk opposite our first floor (second floor in the USA) balcony window.  These buses are old, diesel engine running beasts, and are noisier than a John Deere tractor on a farm. . . especially when the driver hits the accelerator!  The noise doesn't bother me as far as sleeping goes, but Carolyn Anne has had her light sleeper tussles and moments with the invading noise.  She said we would have to change rooms due to it, but this last night seemed to be better for her.  The pedestrian signals chirping to cross the street when the light turns green 24/7 also doesn't help.  Our experience living back home in the Antelope Valley is much more tranquil noisewise. 

Level walking surfaces are another thing hard to come by in Ecuador generally.  No matter where you go in whatever city or town, you have to watch your step.  Entering a building you step up. . . sometimes way up.  Entering a room, you step down typically, but it could be up too.  My depth perception as you may know isn't the best, so I really have to watch it everywhere I go.  Keeps one humble, too.  I've found just one building that highlights the step changes in black striped accenting - a very nice condo building we hope to live at once we return permanently - and frankly wish more buildings would do the same.  Folks in the Antelope Valley, you don't know how good you've got it in this regard.  Disabled access for sidewalks?  Forget it in Cuenca, except for the sidewalks in the central part of El Centro.  And those are at a much steeper angle, causing those walking on the sidewalk perpendicular to the incline to lose balance when walking on that surface.  It would never work in the USA. . . a trial lawyer's dream come true where the lawsuits would come so thick and fast your head would spin!

Food: Ecuadorian food is bland to a fault, and getting anything to shake out of a shaker (like salt and pepper) is a lot harder here for reasons not immediately obvious.  The holes in the shaker look the same. . . the salt looks the same. . . what gives?  Same with parmesan cheese in the shaker.  I guess it's all part of the Ecuadorian way to reduce salt intake and reduce cholesterol. . . (sigh)

Foods I miss: La Victoria Salsa Brava hot sauce (La Costena is here, though and is appreciated as a pinch hitter for my favorite hot sauce), refried beans (Coral has every kind of bean in the bag on an entire aisle *but* this one. . . in the can or in the bag, it's not here in Cuenca), and longhorn or Colby cheese.  Sweet corn on the cob (frozen sweet corn is here, but a much higher price for the gringos here).  Frozen peas and carrots.  Fresh peas here, fresh carrots here. . . make your own.  Quaker chewy granola bars (what we brought from Costco in Lancaster to eat on the plane while traveling here).  Crunchier versions available for a sky high price.  An inexpensive 50 cent to $1 chocolate bar.  Three large Hershey bars - like what Grace chapel gives to new visitors - cost (bundled) over $9 at Corel.  Spices.  Ecuador has them, but they aren't anything like what you would use. . . food from the USA is decidedly spicier.  Make a list and bring your favorites, especially for cookies and holiday mealtimes.  Thomas English muffins.  *Any* English muffins!  I'm grouchy if I don't get my English muffin in the morning. . . Campbell's soup (available at the gringo friendly Supermaxi at a price, however. . . try $2 to $3 a can).  Hormel or Dennison's chili (the local brand is far too bland, with mostly beans and hardly any meat to it).  Albers corn meal - or any corn meal.  Oatmeal.  (It's served at the California Kitchen - a gringo hangout - in Cuenca in El Centro for $2.50 though.)  Pies, apple or otherwise.  Pumpkin is not on the shelf, though this isn't the season for it yet, even back in the USA. 

Big napkins (they're small as the Dickens here).  Paper towels are here, and pinch hit for them, though.     

Stores, by the way, don't do refunds of any kind, even large chain stores.  You bought it. . . you're stuck with it.  All sales are final, including sales of appliances that don't fit the dimensions of your kitchen.  Ouch. . . I saw an ad on Gringo Post where that happened to someone. 

Some things we almost missed:  peanut butter ($7 per regular size jar, Schullo's brand).  Higher price to be sure, but a welcome taste of home.  Paper towels ($1.39 a regular roll).  Double the usual price back in the States.  The friendly, helpful staff at the Mall del Rio Coral helped me to find these, to their great credit - and some help from the Lord in the use of my Spanish. 

Peanut butter, by the way, is not literally translated as such. . . not "butter of peanut" - mantequilla de mani, but is instead known here as Crema de mani, or "cream of peanut," or "peanut cream."  Oh the joys of communicating in Spanish when not completely fluent. . . (grin)  To their credit, Coral's employees that are bilingual in English wear white buttons with black lettering on them stating "I speak English" on them.  First store I've known of here doing that, and shows the Gringo influence, which while quite small at 1 per cent of the population of Cuenca, shows a willingness to be of help to extranjeros, or expats.  There is a strong ongoing need by business and professionals alike here in Cuenca to learn and better one's use of English.  I will most likely be assisting in this need by teaching ESL - English as a Second Language - for income and in a volunteer capacity at Iglesia Verbo Cristiana here in Cuenca, and that will be a great new chapter in what God has in store for me.        

Most of all, we miss you back in the States.  One more week here in Ecuador wrapping things up, and then it will be time to say hello to many of you by phone - at last - or in person.  Thanks to several of you for your emails and Facebook PM's to us and your prayerful support.  We couldn't have gotten this far without you!