I know this blog has been dormant for over a year now, but it's time to pick up the pieces and begin anew again. . . and "press on towards that goal for the prize of the upward call of God that is mine in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14 ESV)
The verse that strikes me in all of this is this one: "You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth? (Galatians 5:7 NIV)
To be honest, somehow while being on the 'Net, a page came up and I knew it was a virus threat. You get these kind of pages when surfing the 'Net, even when one has a very good antivirus software installed on your computer, as I have had and still do. (I recommend AVG and have had no troubles with having to lose my data since I purchased this desktop computer some years ago.) After I had shut down the computer, and started it back up again, somehow the password was changed, and I had a devil of a time - literally - getting my password back. I tried for weeks on end to figure it out on my own. No success. So I stopped posting here.
Patience is a virtue in all these things, of course. In due time Google, the megacompany that provides the free software that runs this blog, came up with something called Google+. I got linked up with it somehow one day, and updated my account and password. Didn't think anything about it beyond that at that point as I had lost the habit of posting my thoughts to my blog here.
Actually, what I've been doing online in the interim period is become much more involved with Facebook. They actually have groups over there, and one in particular has a local current events page that took off in a huge way. . . though no one really knew it would do so at the time. An "experiment" with Social Media, it was claimed. Over 1600 plus as of this writing. When I joined in the Spring of 2013 it was just a few hundred people. Still growing at a high rate, too. The founder of that Facebook page asked me one day if I would like to admin that page, and I said yes. That has been a largely rewarding experience, writing a weekly post on local history here in California's Antelope Valley where I was born and raised. . . and still live in.
But it's time to press on, as the Apostle Paul said in those famous words of encouraging Scripture so long ago. My next post will discuss this in more detail. Stay tuned!
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